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Junk from around the house

Junk from your parents' office

Junk from the supermarket

Junk from the hardware store



Premium Quality Junk:
Thomas Edison said, "To invent, you need a good imagination and lots of junk."

Premium Quality Junk can be anything that is colorful, does not weigh much and has an unusual or useful shape.

Decorate a junk box.

Collect good stuff from around the house, supermarket, parent's office, or hardware store.

Sort your junk collection in heavy, plastic, see-through freezer bags.

One person's trash is another person's treasure!

Build-It-Yourself develops software that inspires and guides kids to build.
Copyright 1995 - 2004, Build-It-Yourself, 426 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138, (617) 547-9705 Email